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September 19, 2016

Candidate Communication Inbox for Breezy HR

Breezy HR

Hiring managers can now separate their candidate communication from the rest of the hiring team’s feedback

Introducing the Breezy Inbox: Your one-click gateway to review and respond to every candidate’s query in every position, in real time …

… saving you some, ahem, real time.

You’ll notice we also sort the candidate conversations by recency, so you’ll never have to search for the latest messages — they’re right at the top.

Why create a Candidate Inbox?

We know that communicating with candidates is key to their satisfaction with the application process. And we’re glad to hear some of our customers tell us that Breezy’s fluent in-app messaging with hiring teams encourages and organizes plenty of vetting discussions around the virtual water cooler.

But all that talk got us thinking … how can we keep hiring managers on top of their game when they’ve got so many players involved? And what happens when they’ve got a boatload of candidates, but only a couple that truly command attention?

Candidate Inbox is like tunnel vision.

Breezy automatically funnels your candidate communication into one clean screen, where you can single-clickedly filter through the chatter when necessary …

… so you’ll never miss another message from that high-quality applicant you’ve been wooing.

Find the Candidate Inbox in the black navigation bar at the top of your Breezy screen and in a new tab between Pipeline and Reports:

breezy candidate inbox

We aren’t done with this feature yet, so you can expect continuous improvements over the next few weeks.

For now, we’d love your first take on the new Candidate Inbox! Feedback welcome here, or feel free to talk to us in-app!