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October 25, 2018

Scheduling Links: Faster, Automated Interview Scheduling

breezy scheduling links

Traditional scheduling processes for interviews take up an absurd amount of time and odds are if you’re responsible for growing teams at your company, you are all to familiar with that truth. What starts out as excitement for finding five candidates you want to meet with quickly turns into an email frenzy that can’t end fast enough.

As soon as you send emails for interviews with times listed, the following happens. One candidate can’t make any of the times you provided, another selects the same time as a third and then you are left in the whirlwind of coordinating everyone and not losing a reply in the process. Pure chaos! You only hope that the experience doesn’t deter a candidate or take so long that they select another offer. What do you do? There has to be a better way.

breezy scheduling links

What if we told you there was a way to automate your scheduling, save hours in your day, provide an exceptional personalized experience and never worry about losing a scheduling email again? Well now there is. Breezy is excited to announce Breezy Scheduling Links.

Scheduling Links is the latest release in Breezy’s ongoing mission to keep hiring simple. With this tool, hiring managers spend less time coordinating interviews and more time focusing on quality talent acquisition.

đź•’ How Scheduling Links Gives You Time Back

  • Effortless Scheduling
    When scheduling with candidates, deliver an outstanding experience without looking at a calendar. Eliminate the back and forth so you can schedule time with participants more quickly. All it takes is a Breezy Scheduling Link and a sent email or SMS to your candidate to increase your scheduling efficiency.
  • Accomplish More with Automation
    Automate communication with candidates and your team by sharing important meeting details and attachments using triggers. Once a candidate is qualified, a scheduling email with Scheduling Link can be sent simply by changing the candidates status. Once they select a time, your team is notified automatically. All of this is accomplished behind the scenes giving valuable hours back in the day for finding the quality talent your company desires.
  • Manage Scheduling in One Place
    Gone are the days of using multiple tools to manage the hiring and scheduling processes. Scheduling Links is the final piece that allows Breezy to manage your entire hiring process in one place. From acquisition, screening, scheduling, interviewing and hiring. Never leave the platform to track down information on your candidates again.

How Scheduling Links work

  • Create: Give your link a name, define all of the usual meeting criteria (interviewers, duration, interview guides, etc) and then select the windows of time you’d like candidates to be able to choose from. Not only can you check your Breezy calendar, but if your Interviewers have their Google or Outlook calendars integrated with Breezy, you can also screen them for available times.
  • Share: Links are no good if you don’t share them with the right people. We made it easy to add links into Message Templates and then distribute them in any place a Message Template is supported. Secondly, you can use them on the fly while you’re composing emails or SMS / text messages.
  • Schedule: Once you’ve sent your email or text message, the candidate can click on your scheduling link and see a simple, mobile-optimized self selection system that takes into account all of the criteria and the availability of each team member.
  • Inform: After a selection is made, both the candidate and interviewers will get a calendar invite. The candidate receives information regarding how when and where the interview is to take place and the Interviewers get an overview of the candidate and any other information (Interview Guide, Scorecard, etc) that is included as part of the meeting.

Breezy Self Scheduling Links

Scheduling Links are included on all Breezy paid subscriptions, and are now available to all customers. Read our guide for more details about using Scheduling Links, or request a demo to see it in action.
