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December 17, 2020

Best Remote Jobs: Do Employers and Employees Want the Same Thing?

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The word is out: remote work is here to stay.

A huge 74% of companies plan to shift to more home-based working on a permanent basis since Covid hit. And for employees, the million and one reasons to leap at the opportunity to work from home have become even more important post-2020 (hello, work/life balance).

But even though everyone agrees remote work is the new black in HR, there are a ton of challenges that come with it—including how to attract A+ remote talent.

If we’ve learned anything from working with thousands of always-on people leaders is that great remote roles and a rock-solid process for hiring remotely are going to be the make-or-break for future success in HR.

But if you’re still now sure how to start, we’ve got you covered. Here’s how the remote hiring planning process should roll:

  1. First, pinpoint which roles work best remotely. 
  2. Then get to know what your future employees really want.
  3. Next, get to know the trends that will drive employers (and your competitors) behaviors post-2020.
  4. Finally, attract star players by creating a hiring process that’s led by a.) what your business needs and b.) what today’s workforce needs. 

Ready to roll up your sleeves and get into it? We’ve pulled together all the info you need to ace each of these steps, finally get on the same page as your candidates, and find out exactly what the best remote job opportunities are for both you and the wider talent market in 2021.

Check it out!

The 3 best remote jobs 2021

While we love a world of exotic backgrounds and Zoom Bombing, some job roles are simply a more natural fit for remote than others—and for companies figuring out how to balance remote vs. in-house working post-Covid, the million-dollar question is ‘which are the best remote jobs for 2021?’

Here are the top three jobs that can be done remotely: 

  1. Admin: For employees who are typically computer-based, the switch to remote work is simple. Data-entry, answering emails, report writing, and research can all be done at home. 
  2. Social media and content marketing: Marketing is another computer-based role that can easily be done remotely. Added bonus: most marketing wizards are already app-savvy, making the switch to remote tools a breeze.  ‍
  3. Human Resources: The cool thing about applicant tracking systems is they make remote hiring easier for HR folks and candidates. That means HR roles are way more flexible than they’ve ever been. Win-win.

Employee vs. employer needs: What does each one really want from a remote role?

Now that you know which departments work best remotely, the next crucial step is to understand how the job market has changed since Covid hit. 

Not only has there been a surge in remote working, but the motivations of both job seekers and hiring managers has changed. And it pays to get hip to the new demands.

Here’s how:  

What employers want

In many ways, hiring is exactly the same as it’s always been—employers still want happy, motivated and loyal employees who really want to come to work every day.

One thing that has changed though, is that companies are more focused on business resilience than ever before—which is why finding quality talent is now firmly at the top of every biz agenda.

That’s right. The job market has just become more competitive than ever.🏆

Here’s what employers are looking for, post-Covid: 

  • A personal interest in professional development: According to a report, 90% of hiring managers are more likely to hire someone who worked on their professional development during Covid. ‍
  • High employee retention: For maximum resilience, employers rely on experienced, loyal employees. Since the pandemic hit, companies have focused on employee retention more than ever, leading to an historic rise in employee engagement.‍
  • Great employee wellbeing: Employers have always known happy employees = a happy business, but post-Covid productivity stats have really shone the spotlight on employee wellbeing. According to mental health provider Ginger, 62% of workers report losing at least an hour of productivity every day due to Covid-related stress.‍
  • Increased workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI): Widening the range of perspectives in a team increases innovation and boosts productivity—and employers know it. According to the 2020 McKinsey report, Diversity Wins, the business case for DEI is stronger than ever.

What employees want

Job seeker motivations have changed dramatically over the past few years. 

With the rise of the millennial workforce, and Gen Z following closely behind, environmental issues, social sustainability and individual wellbeing have become growing trends. 

“Ultimately, millennials are consumers of the workplace. They shop around for the jobs that best align with their needs and life goals. More than ever, employers need to know and act on the factors that make their company appealing to these candidates. They have to make it easy for prospects to choose them over their competition,” says Gallup writer Amy Adkins, in this HBR report. 

To take your candidate knowledge to the next level, let’s break down what job seekers really want in 2020+: 

  • Social and environmental: The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2020 states, “If anything, the pandemic has reinforced [millennial and gen Z employees’] desire to help drive positive change in their communities and around the world. And they continue to push for a world in which businesses and governments mirror that same commitment to society, putting people ahead of profits and prioritizing environmental sustainability.”‍
  • Great work/life balance: With the state of child care in the balance and mental health issues on the rise, it’s no wonder candidates want flexible work patterns. Companies that offer opportunities like flexi-time or remote work are much more likely to attract top talent.‍
  • Wellbeing and mental health: Since January, over a third of US citizens have reported a negative effect on their mental health. With unemployment up to 12.5M, this has been a tough year for candidates. It’s no surprise that companies focusing on employee wellbeing stand out from the rest.

How to find the perfect remote fit on both sides

Now you know what your candidates want, it’s time to give it to them. 

Remember, your hiring process is the first company-interaction most candidates will have, so to get the best new hires, your systems need to shine. ✨

Use this step-by-step process to show candidates you have their backs from day one.

Step #1— Make (the right) tech your friend

The first ingredient for an awesome remote candidate experience is a powerful applicant tracking system (ATS).

These smart tools allow you to streamline hiring, integrate other products, customize pipelines, and automate pesky time-consuming processes. 

💘 You’ll love: The time saved and hassle avoided by automating your hiring system from beginning to end.

🏹 Candidates will love: Interacting with easy-to-use application forms and knowing this is a company that prioritizes working smart over working hard.

Need more help taking care of that “pipeline problem”? Check out The Complete Business (and Human) Case [+ Examples] and get a handle on it today.

Step #2— Use niche job boards to find unicorn candidates

Finding the right-fit remote candidate can be tough. But the good news is there are tons of avenues for candidate searches—and often it’s the unusual suspects that bring the best results. 

From remote-focused forums to diversity job boards, the options are endless—just remember, your ideal candidate is out there, you just need to widen your search. 🕵️

💘 You’ll love: Finding unexpected unicorn candidates outside your usual range.

🏹 Candidates will love: Knowing your company actively looks outside-the-box and prioritizes diversity from day one. 

Step #3— Save time with faster screening 

Once you’ve got a list of candidates, it’s time for the all-important short-listing—but narrowing your options remotely can take a lot of time.  

Avoid long-winded phone calls by using an ATS to include automatic questionnaires in the application process. Candidates who don’t check all your boxes will be told straight away that it’s not a great fit—saving time for you and the candidate. 

💘 You’ll love: Narrowing your candidate search at the click of a button.

🏹 Candidates will love: Not wasting time on a bad job match (and if you’re willing to give it, getting real feedback on why they didn’t make the cut) 

Step #4— Create a killer remote interview process

Interviews are often the hardest part of finding a new job—and remote interviewing comes with extra challenges. Because getting to know a candidate who is literally a hundred miles away ain’t easy—unless you have the right tools.😉 

With a smart ATS candidates can schedule their own interview and connect with employers via video at a time that works for them. 

💘 You’ll love: Getting to know your candidates wherever they are in the world.

🏹 Candidates will love: The flexibility of remote interviews and self-scheduling.

Step #5— Focus on the future 

Finding your dream hire is just the beginning—the next step is all about retention. 

Once you’ve found your ideal candidate and they’ve agreed to your fair job offer, it’s time to create an awesome onboarding experience that will make them feel at home for good. 

Make sure your ATS can integrate with onboarding software, and use Breezy’s onboarding resources to check every box. 

💘 You’ll love: Knowing you’re saving time and money by holding onto great employees.

🏹 Candidates will love: Feeling supported and valued, and the knowledge that they have a secure job in uncertain times. 

Create the best remote jobs in 2020+

The key to attracting stellar remote candidates is getting to know what they want, and then building your hiring process around that knowledge.

In this uncertain world, there are tons of challenges that companies have to face, but with top talent and the right tools on your side, resilience is guaranteed.

But remember, it all starts with prepping a killer hiring process to attract those high-quality candidates. Get your hiring into shape and the rest will follow.